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Summer Vision – Elliott Says…

“I am a 22-year-old stepping out in faith. Before my accident, I was spiritually dead and now with limited use of my arms and legs, I am spiritually alive! How does that happen?” – Elliot from the book Vision Wins

Elliott makes an interesting point. When it seemed like he had everything going for him, he felt “spiritually dead”. But after his injury with limited mobility, he feels more alive than ever before. How does that happen?

Sometimes, the noise in our lives and in this world is overwhelming. It’s so easy to get lost in the patterns of this world if you let yourself get lost. Elliott was lost. He thought he was fulfilled by playing the sport he loved. He thought that was his passion and the reason God placed him on this earth.

But when he really took the time to listen to God and learn his true purpose, he felt alive again.

Let’s go on a journey with Elliot and discover how to reignite that spiritual spark within us. Let’s find out how we can invite God into our lives and restore our spiritual walk with Him.

I am super excited to see your vision come to life!

Our visions live within us, but we have to work to discover what future we’re fighting for and use our vision to implement that future.