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Faith vs Fear

We’ve talked a lot about vision and mission, and our vision and mission influence the way we live: either in faith or fear.

“Fear and faith cannot coexist in our hearts at the same time.” Neil Andersen


Having faith means we have a vision, a north star, a spirit of where we want to go. We are in a power channel and feel accepting, peaceful, accepted, peaceful, courageous, confident, thankful, trusting, hopeful, and inspired. We have joy in our hearts because we have an identity of who we are, not what others say we are or condemn us for our behavior. In fact, when living in faith people applaud us for taking a stand when it’s not popular. We are not judged by our performance but empowered by our faith in our vision. 


Fear has a way of sucking the energy and the life out of us. Taking our joy away. When we have our mission as our vision, we begin to allow fear to creep into our souls.  This leads to a weak channel, which leaves us feeling skeptical, frustrated, dismissive, hostile, jealous, disapproving, judgemental, and withdrawn.

Because we live in fear,  it’s all about us, we have little empathy. We don’t know what we’re doing, so whatever the world is telling us, we’ll do. It’s a stressful time. There is no doubt this coronavirus has us living in fear. There are some unknowns, but when we have faith and vision, that surpasses all. 


In times like today, with the entire coronavirus pandemic and the fear that anyone and everyone can get sick, is draining and sets the stage for us to live in fear and throw is into a weak channel. Now more than ever is the time to choose Vision. Choose to be in power channel, and choose a spirit of joy, don’t choose to live in fear. 

When we choose fear, it’s all about us. We have very little empathy, and we listen to whatever the world is telling us. The news around coronavirus gives us a tremendous opportunity to live in fear. Now is the time to let go of the unknowns, and choose vision. 


As we face COVID-19 today, it’s not about the virus. It’s about fear versus faith. 

“You must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6

To “believe not doubt” means not only believing in the existence of God but also believing in His loving care. Belief includes relying on God and expecting that He will hear and answer when we pray. Chose vision and your identity in Him.

If we abandon our vision, then fear, doubt, anxiety, and stress enter our world and create a hard world to live in.

How do we battle fear, doubt, and discouragement?

It has been said that the most repeated phrase in Scripture is, “Do not be afraid.” Some variation of it is mentioned over 350 times. 

  • God said it to Gideon when calling him to lead Israel (Judg 6:23). 
  • God said it to Jeremiah when calling him to be a prophet to the nations (Jer 1:8). 
  • Christ said it to the women at his resurrection (Matt 28:10). 
  • Christ told his disciples, “Do not worry about what you will eat, drink, or wear” (Matt 6:25). 
  • Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing.”

One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and self-control.

It was never God’s will for mankind to be fearful. This is the very reason that we see so many verses saying not to be afraid or not to be anxious. It is because we all struggle with fear in some way or another.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

But if we have faith, and we believe in our vision, we believe that God is our source, and we keep the joy in our hearts, and we will live in faith.

All of the fears on your mind? Give it to Him and have faith in Him and your vision. 

So don’t do it. Don’t live in fear. Remember your vision and live in faith.  Stay close to your vision, live in the power channel, and stay a master of your emotions.


My heart is full this morning. That’s the only word that I know how to use to describe what I’m feeling…full of hope, full of excitement…very alive – today is kind of like its own little freedom adventure. I love it! I’m looking forward to more days with a heart full of purpose and destiny.

Debbie Vosburgh

My time with Dave Jones clarified and crystallized my purpose and mission in life, allowing me to quit wasting time on "good" projects and instead spend my life in the "sweet spot" of my passion and purpose!

Rick Green

I have more focus with all my passions - serving the community. I’m able to communicate what I'm here to do, and it's been great because I don't have to waste my time doing things that are not necessary for me.

Jackie Omotosho