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Thrive With Vision

God has and will revive, provide, and deliver.

He is sovereign. And when we have a vision coming from Him, He will provide the assets and resources we need to bring that vision to life.  But we have to do our part.

What is Our Part You Ask? And How Do We Do This?

Our part is to follow and communicate our vision early and often.

Communicating our vision means we have to get outside ourselves and shift the lens from survive to thrive


Shifting The Lens

The difference between surviving and thriving is all in shifting the lens. 

With a survival mentality we:

  • ● Protect
  • ● Defend
  • ● Defeat Our Enemies
  • ● Win
  • ● Be Right

But a thriving mentality takes a different approach. We:

  • ● Grow instead of protecting
  • ● Learning instead of defending
  • ● Connect instead of defeat
  • ● Discover mutual gain rather than win
  • ● Seek understanding rather than being right


Vision Wins when you work vision. This means we have to communicate our vision early and often. Let’s shift our lens from survive to thrive, and let our vision lead. 

By shifting from survive to thrive, we’re going beyond blame, taking responsibility for who we are and our identity, and appreciating and valuing others, especially others on our team.

Once this shift in mentality happens, we will find a new brand narrative and new personal and organizational positioning. 

It may sound easy to make this switch, but it’s not. 

But by taking the time to shift from survive to thrive, we’ll be able to work our vision and clearly communicate it. 


It’s Time to Take Action

Now that we know the impact of shifting the lens from survive to thrive, it’s your turn to take a step towards thriving and shift the lens.

Take the time to rewrite and refine your brand narrative. Once you have it written, pray on your ability to deliver it, and then share it! Communicate it early and often. Share it with the world around you.

Whether you share your new thriving brand narrative by sharing it on your website, social media, email, or other communication channels, you’ll be working on your vision, and one step closer to bringing it to your local community and someday the world.


My heart is full this morning. That’s the only word that I know how to use to describe what I’m feeling…full of hope, full of excitement…very alive – today is kind of like its own little freedom adventure. I love it! I’m looking forward to more days with a heart full of purpose and destiny.

Debbie Vosburgh

My time with Dave Jones clarified and crystallized my purpose and mission in life, allowing me to quit wasting time on "good" projects and instead spend my life in the "sweet spot" of my passion and purpose!

Rick Green

I have more focus with all my passions - serving the community. I’m able to communicate what I'm here to do, and it's been great because I don't have to waste my time doing things that are not necessary for me.

Jackie Omotosho

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