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Having been in hockey rinks around the world since childhood, I’ve often pondered what drives us to endure night after night of rigorous training and to rebound from tough defeats. My 21 years of experience working with Christian business owners and athletes have shown me that a key ingredient is relentless faith. This journey has taken me from Pennsylvania to playing professional hockey overseas and now to running a Christian Advertising Agency for the past two decades. I’ve learned that while physical talents are finite, tapping into the supernatural power of faith can amplify strengths and heal wounds beyond the ice.

Through my studies and interactions with Christian entrepreneurs and athletes, I’ve come to understand how biblical faith can unlock our untapped potential. The essence of real faith, as described in Hebrews 11:1, is believing without seeing. Overcoming challenges, whether it’s getting checked hard into the boards or facing financial crises, requires raw trust. This faith not only helped me return to all-star status after physical setbacks but also to manage financial hurdles with confidence.

Real faith isn’t about being foolish—it understands the necessity of hard work. It’s about believing while actively doing. When my thoughts, words, and actions are all aligned in trust that God wants the best for my future, that’s faith expressing itself. Yet, I must admit, doubt creeps in even on my most faithful days. In moments of exhaustion or stress, skepticism can rise rapidly. However, biblical stories of real people overcoming giant problems with faith inspire me. Their remarkable testimonies remind me that if they could trust in God and witness miracles, then I too can find peace. This knowledge strengthens my faith, preventing it from becoming weak.

Faith also revolutionizes how I perceive the world and its possibilities. Viewing life with childlike faith, I see no barrier too big for God to overcome, no challenge greater than the strength I access by trusting in divine power within. Faith emboldens me to face impossible odds and emerge rejuvenated. It transforms us into victors, not victims.

So, this is my mini-manifesto, born from raw reflections on faith. Faith is more than just theories; it’s meant to be lived. I am realizing that true faith changes everything when we allow it to lead. This is the freedom faith offers.

As a coach to executives, celebrities, and hockey players, I use coping strategies like visualization and affirmation cards that have personally benefited me. However, inspiring them to transcend previous limitations begins with nurturing childlike faith. When we activate our inherent faith DNA, perceived limitations start to dissolve.

My hope for the next generation of athletes and leaders is to prioritize faith as a fundamental aspect of their lives, not just a secondary consideration. By nurturing their minds, bodies, and spirits in harmony, they can achieve radical blessings. The world needs risk-takers grounded in faith to illuminate the darkest challenges. Victory awaits each person who embraces this path.


Faith is not spiritual well-being, faith is not hoping to heal faster after an injury, faith is not about ethical dilemmas, faith is not a moral development, having faith is not about cultural competence, nor is it about religion or denominational preference or non-preference.

FAITH IS: The Substance of Things Hoped For

Faith typically refers to a strong belief or trust in something, often without the need for empirical evidence or proof. In the Bible, Hebrews 11:1 poetically encapsulates faith as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” – the framework and foundation giving shape to aspirations. Rather than mere wishful thinking, faith transitions imaginings into manifested realities through deep conviction. Hoped for outcomes move from the abstract to the concrete.

The NIV Version States “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

This verse emphasizes that faith involves confidence and assurance in things that are not directly observable or tangible. It speaks to the idea that faith goes beyond empirical evidence and relies on trust and belief in something that may be spiritual, transcendent, or future-oriented. This verse is often cited to illustrate the central role of faith in Christian theology and the importance of trust in God’s promises.

Evidence of Things Not Seen

Biblical faith also provides “evidence of things not seen,” representing surety in the inevitable emergence of God’s promises despite lack of tangible verification. Through the spiritual lens, faith makes evident the guarantee of blessings not yet visible. Conviction creates certainty.

Practical Force, Not Blind Belief

However, this assurance should not be misunderstood as credulousness. True faith fuses belief with strategic acts reflecting internal perspective – aligning behaviors with beliefs to translate the intangible into tangible outcomes. Faith is a creative change agent, not passive spectator.

Overcoming Doubt

While simplistic rhetoric emphasizes certainty, even stalwart faith contends with doubt, which can corrode confidence. However, immersing oneself in scriptural accounts of God’s miraculous power and promises structures convictions in divine truth to overcome uncertainty. Faith strengthens through regular exercise.

Healing Through Faith

Beyond inspiring confidence, faith also channels healing – physically, emotionally, financially, relationally. By releasing declarations of faith rather than vocalizing defeating circumstances, the power intrinsic to faith is activated, facilitating radical restoration.

Foundation For Life

Given its capacity, faith merits position as the bedrock for constructing existence. Faith foregrounds reliance on divine plans rather than temporal chaos. By allowing faith’s perspective to shape thoughts, words and actions, synchronization with God’s purposes emerges. Faith radically transforms the essence of being.


Having faith is not dependent on your religion, race, or creed. Below are individuals who have indoctrinated faith into their lives and bettered themselves and the world because of it.

Mahatma Gandhi

The Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi was deeply influenced by his Hindu faith and principles of non-violence. His faith played a significant role in his pursuit of justice and civil rights.

Mother Teresa

A Catholic nun and missionary who dedicated her life to serving the poor and needy. Her unwavering faith in God was the driving force behind her humanitarian work.

Nelson Mandela

Former South African President Nelson Mandela used his faith, which was a combination of traditional African beliefs and Christianity, to foster reconciliation and forgiveness during the post-apartheid era.

Desmond Tutu

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a South African Anglican bishop and social rights activist, is another example of a prominent figure who used his Christian faith to oppose apartheid and promote reconciliation.

C.S Lewis

The author C.S. Lewis, known for his works like “The Chronicles of Narnia,” underwent a profound religious conversion from atheism to Christianity. His Christian faith deeply influenced his writings and apologetic works.

Oprah Winfrey

Media mogul Oprah Winfrey often discusses her spiritual journey and belief in a higher power. She incorporates spiritual and faith-based themes in her talk shows and philanthropic efforts.

Denzel Washington

The actor Denzel Washington is known for his strong Christian faith. He has openly spoken about how his faith guides his life and career choices.

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow, a former NFL quarterback, is well-known for his Christian faith. He often expressed his faith publicly and used his platform to promote charitable work and Christian values.

Step Into the Impossible

Ultimately, faith dares one to step into seeming impossibility, emboldened by belief in unlocked potential when aligned with God’s authority. Heroes of faith accomplished the unconquerable through radical surrender to promises unseen. May faith form our foundation.