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Summer Vision – Bambi Says…

“When thinking about life remember no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.” – Bambi from the book “Vision Wins”

In “Vision Wins”, a character named Bambi speaks to Kelly and Elliott about how fear can control the future if you let it. Instead of letting anxiety and fear run their lives, Bambi reminds them that no amount of anxiety will change what the future holds. Instead, we must all actively choose to live in faith, not fear.

In his article about Faith vs. Fear, author David Jones writes, “Having faith means we have a vision, a north star, a spirit of where we want to go… We have joy in our hearts because we have an identity of who we are, not what others say we are or condemn us for our behavior.”

Follow along with Kelly and Elliott as they find a sense of purpose and learn to live life without fear of the future.

Get your copy of “Vision Wins” today and start your own journey toward living in faith, not fear.

I am super excited to see your  vision come to life!